5th Avenue Furniture
Company Name: 5th Avenue Furniture
Status: Active
State: Nevada
Post: 89031-9009
County: Clark
City: North Las Vegas
Address: 5575 Simmons Street
Phone: (702)631-4411
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact Owner: Jim Saia
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 571216 Industry group: Home Furniture, Furnishings, And Equipment Stores, Business category: Furniture Stores, Subcategory: Furniture-dealers-retail
Employees: 6
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 1,200,000
Overall: 5th Avenue Furniture is a business categorized under furniture stores, which is part of the larger category home furniture, furnishings, and equipment stores. 5th Avenue Furniture is located at the address 5575 Simmons Street in North Las Vegas, Nevada 89031-9009. The Owner is Jim Saia who can be contacted at (702)631-4411.
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